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Sylvestris Palm

The striking and large Sylvester palm is commonly known by many other names, including silver date palm, sugar date palm and wild date palm. This sturdy palm tree is easy to grow and makes a beautiful landscape specimen in many Gulf Coast yards. It is easily the most striking large specimen palm tree that is cold hardy enough to be grown without question in South Louisiana.

Sylvester palm trees are hardy in climates where temperatures don’t dip below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Due to the tree’s ultimate size, it won’t perform well permanently grown in containers. Although it will grow for a while in a container, eventually it requires planting in the landscape. If holding the palm in a container before planting, be sure the pot has bottom drain holes to prevent rot problems.

The Sylvester palm grows best planted in a full sun site. Although Sylvester palms tolerate growing in a wide range of soils, including calcareous, sandy or loamy, soils that drain well produce the best growth. If growing the palm briefly in a pot, use a good quality potting mix that drains well. Let us help you decide if this beauty is right for you!

If you have any questions, contact Teddy @ (504) 952-4416

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