Our Products

Canary Palms

The slow-growing Canary Island Date is prized for its formal and bold appearance and its extreme hardiness which allows its use throughout much of the southern U.S. including California, Texas, the Gulf Coast States, and Florida. The massive solitary canopy is highly visible and absolutely memorable. Known for its massive stately caliper, as well as its majestic crown shaft (which resembles a pineapple) must be manicured consistently for this look to be exposed. Planting a Canary Island date palm requires a full sun location and plenty of irrigation when the palm is young. As far as Canary palm tree care, think about providing water every week to help the plant establish deep roots. Once the tree is mature, you can reduce irrigation. We happily service the maintenance of these canopied giants!

If you have any questions, contact Teddy @ (504) 952-4416

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